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Making a private post
Making a private post
Alyssa Theodore avatar
Written by Alyssa Theodore
Updated over a week ago

Making a private post is ideal when a user would like to share information with a limited number of people.

By default, KnowledgeNet posts are public, to encourage transparency in an organization. Identifying recipients in the "To" field activates notifications alerting specific people to your post, but will not limit who can view the post.

For example: User Yvette writes a regular (not private) post about "Acme Corporation," adding "John" & "Jane" to the "To" field. John & Jane are each notified with copies of the post. Days later, user "Alan" searches KnowledgeNet for the term "Acme." Yvette's public post shows up among the search results for Alan to read.

With private posts, ONLY the recipients will ever be able to view the post. If Yvette writes a post about "Acme Corporation," adds John & Jane to the "To" field, and switches the toggle to mark it "private," only John & Jane will be notified AND only they will be able to see the post. When user Alan searches for the term "Acme," Yvette's private post won't show up in the results.

In a private post, you can tag an account or contact and your post will be associated with those records WITHOUT being visible to all the followers of those tags.

This video walks you through how and why you might wish to switch a post from "Public" to "Private."

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