KnowledgeNet is all about putting information at your fingertips. When you Follow an account, contact, or room in KnowledgeNet, you are signing up to receive notifications whenever a user posts to that topic or tags it. By default, these notifications are delivered to your KnowledgeNet timeline and emailed to you as they occur. This keeps you up-to-date on the topics that matter the most to you.
You also receive a once-daily email digest of all account activity every 24 hours. This way you stay informed even when you are unable to log into KnowledgeNet. You can open KnowledgeNet to view posts or comment on them right from this digest email.
If you don't need up-to-the-minute alerts for an account, contact, or room, you can change the email notifications setting. Open the account, contact, or room and look for the bell icon next to the "Unfollow" button near the top center of the screen, above the timeline.
Click the icon and change the default from "Alert me on any post" to "Disable - only get an email digest." This puts a slash through the bell icon.
This will change your email notifications for this account, contact, or room from as posts occur to daily email digests only. You will continue to receive copies of the posts on your KnowledgeNet timeline.