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Creating folders

Administrators decide how to organize information within items on their main navigation menu on the dashboard.

Alyssa Theodore avatar
Written by Alyssa Theodore
Updated over a week ago

Once you have decided on the main navigation links for your organization's KnowledgeNet dashboard, you may wish to further organize information on that topic into folders. Note that folders are optional.

For example, having created a main navigation link dedicated to "Travel," I might want to organize areas specific to "Business" and "Personal."

Creating a new folder is simple.

  1. Click on the menu item that you'd like to organize.

  2. Click the button labeled "Create New Subfolder."

  3. Delete the placeholder "New Folder" text and give the folder your preferred name. Remember to click "Save."

4. Congratulations! You new folder is visible on your main navigation menu.

5. A note on the private folder option:

If you decide to designate a folder as "private," this means that this folder and all of its future contents will be invisible to anyone in your organization that isn't invited to have access.

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