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Viewing news intelligence
Viewing news intelligence

News intelligence is external company information pulled in from the Web and incorporated into records with associated accounts.

Alyssa Theodore avatar
Written by Alyssa Theodore
Updated over a week ago

In KnowledgeNet, news intelligence is comes from finding keyword references on the web based on the domain name associated with the account. For example, if you look at the account record for Salesforce, the News pane would show you results from running a keyword search for "salesforce" triggered by the URL in the account record. Results are organized chronologically, with often hours-old news at the top.

News intelligence is a great asset to have at hand when you are researching a prospect or preparing to reach out to a new opportunity.

To view "News:"

  1. Access News any time you view an account or contact record by navigating to the News icon (see below circled in red) on the right side of the screen. A bracketed number indicates the number of search results.

  2. You will see short briefs of articles. Click the "more" link to open the full article in a new window.

  3. In this result, the article mentions an aspect of Salesforce's innovative approach to sustainability.

Recent successes, failures, praise, condemnation, hires, product launches, pending deals--all are valuable, actionable insights to help guide your next steps.

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