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Using Lists in
Using Lists in

Organize groups of accounts or contacts into lists to make it easy to track your areas of interest.

Alyssa Theodore avatar
Written by Alyssa Theodore
Updated over a week ago

Lists in are designed so you have the ability to see a subset of accounts and contacts and track their status in one place. You can build lists by manually inputting email or web addresses, importing a list of email or web addresses, or adding them to a new or existing list through the widget while viewing an account or contact. comes preset with two lists that you can choose to populate: My LinkedIn connections, which populates when you sync your LinkedIn connections and a Website traffic report which you can populate by reaching out to us to connect your LeadLander account.

Here's an example of a My top prospects list:

You can also create custom Lists using any email or website address so you can easily stay on top of your priority initiatives. Custom lists are great for preparing for conferences, tracking potential hires, viewing pipelines, and more.

Let's look at a few more examples of lists:

My LinkedIn connections allows you to sync LinkedIn contacts with your Knowledge Space so that you and your colleagues can amplify the power of your shared networks. Click here for instructions on Connecting your LinkedIn contacts.

Once your contact are synced, adds them to your KnowledgeMap™ and to a list called "My LinkedIn connections." This list is a great way for you to keep track of friends and former colleagues as they change jobs and add them to work flows when you want to reach out. It also makes it easy to see the last time you (or any other colleague) had an interaction.

Website traffic report is ready to bridge the gap between website traffic data and actionable insights. Simply visit to get started connecting your website traffic to The Website traffic report list is fantastic for surfacing your next sales and marketing opportunities as well as for gauging the efficacy of outreach campaigns.

Custom List - Conference attendees is a great tool to use when preparing to attend a conferences or tradeshow. Start by creating a list dedicated to the event, then add items by pasting in the list of attendees' email addresses or company website addresses.

Use to get up-to-date on your organization's interaction history with that account or contact and identify connections that you could leverage to establish a warm introduction prior to opening day or schedule some productive face time.

Use the Research Contacts feature to open up new leads into the organization.

And the Info card to get the latest company insights and news.

Other helpful things to know about custom lists:

  • A custom list can be public (visible to everyone in a Knowledge Space) or private (visible only to the list creator and those who have been given permission).

  • A list can be customized with fields using seven (7) different input types (Text, Date, Assigned To, Number, Dropdown, Accounts, Contacts).

  • A list can be exclusive or shared with multiple members of a Knowledge Space that can contribute to/update it.

  • Knowledge Spaces with Salesforce or HubSpot integrations can customize with those fields.

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