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Understanding Credits
Understanding Credits

The credit system is how regulates activity based on a user's subscription level.

Alyssa Theodore avatar
Written by Alyssa Theodore
Updated over 8 months ago

When you use to find email addresses, mobile phone/direct-dial numbers, or personality profiles, there is a credit cost for each of those actions.

Cost in Credits

Unlock, export, or import an email address + profile analysis and relationship intelligence insights


Reveal a mobile/direct-dial phone number


Reveal a personality profile (DISC score)

100 will never require an organization to spend credits more than once for the same piece of information. Once an email address, mobile phone/direct-dial number, or personality profile is revealed by one user, that information will be visible and available to every user in the organization.

Credits are only subtracted for revealing/exporting email addresses, not for exporting contacts. For example, if Bob selects ten pages of people search results for export (200 contacts total), but is only able to find email addresses for 190 contacts, will subtract credits for 190 email addresses. also has systems in place to check for, and disregard, duplicates. So if in this example Bob exports 200 contacts one month, then the next month Jane does another export of 200 contacts, will look for overlapping contacts. If sees that 80 of Jane's 200 contacts overlap Bob’s, leaving 120 net new and unique email addresses, will subtract credits for 120 email addresses.

How do I know how many credits I have?

You will find your individual credit total in the top right corner of the web app screen.

If you click on the credit count, a window opens called "License Batteries and Credits Used" that shows more details.

The first gauge shows you how many credits remain on your individual license for the current month. If your Admin has purchased extra credits for the organization to use, the second gauge shows you how many extra credits remain. These credits can be used by anyone in the organization.

How can I see how I've spent my credits?

In the "License Batteries and Credits Used" window, there is a tab for reviewing "Credit Use History."

This tab gives you details about all the credits spent over all time. It tells you when the credits was spent, what action was taken, which contact or account was exposed, what the action cost, and whether the credits came from your individual user license budget or extra organization credits.

The Credit Use History interface is still evolving. Future product updates will add additional functionality such as a "Load More" button, the ability to sort by date range, and an "Export" button.

If I pay annually, do I get all my credits up front?

No. Everyone gets the same monthly allotment of credits based on their subscription level.

When do my credits reset each month?

Credits are valid from the date they were paid / issued. The date beneath the license battery indicates the last day in your credit month.

Where do I go to see an overview of how many credits each user in my organization has?

Anyone with Administrator privileges can see overall credit usage stats across an organization by going to their Admin Settings.

Then click on the "Billing & Licenses" tab.

You will see a credit battery gauge for each user in your organization. Clicking the "View Details" link opens the "License Batteries and Credits Used" window, including a "Credit User History," for each specific user.

Does recognize duplicates when exporting contacts/accounts?

Yes. only subtracts credits for unique and new revealed email addresses.

Are credits transferable? Can I use credits from another user license if I've used mine up?

No, credits are not transferable from one license to another. If you need extra credits, you may purchase add-on credits that can be used by anyone in your organization by contacting

Can I roll credits over if I have extra at the end of the month?

No. Any unused credits will expire at the end of the month.

Can I borrow credits from future months?

No. If you need extra credits, you may purchase add-on credits that can be used by anyone in your organization by contacting

Where can I go to purchase more credits?

To purchase extra, add-on credits for your organization, please contact

If I export contacts/accounts to an Excel spreadsheet, are the credits subtracted when I start the export or when the spreadsheet is retrieved?

The credits are subtracted when the export is complete, regardless of whether the spreadsheet has been downloaded or not.

Is there a way to redeem credits if I export something by mistake?

How do I know how many credits I have before I export something using the browser extension?

The credit battery for the browser extension is under development and will included in a future product release.

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